
The Irrational Library | Liberate Yourself

“Freedom all that we consume is an illusion
Freedom, the illusion that what we consume will make us free.
Freedom the most real of the real is
the cultivation of equality in our communitiy.

Freedom may not be Vanzelfsprekend
so that is why we have to never
stop reminding ourselves
exactly what Freedom is.
Freedom, we need to continue to always
speak out
to reach out
to liberate ourselves
from our mental slavery Haarlemtown
and become conscious and aware of
the freedoms that surround us
and allude us
each and every single

(Tekst selectie uit ‘Liberate Yourself’ van The Irrational Library).

In aanloop naar het Dwarslopers Festival delen we graag dit nummer van The Irrational Library over vrijheid. Je hoort de band spelen tijdens het Dwarslopers Festival Haarlem om 17.45 uur.